
By Claire Rinterknecht

People tell me my eyes are green, grey, blue, a mix, none or all. People tell me I look German. People tell me I sound American.

I tell them no my eyes are like the ocean – changing

my looks are human my accent is my mother’s mixed with international schools I tell them no.

But I don’t tell them. Not really,

I smile, laugh, 

tell them the three-line story of my life:

American mom.

Papa français.

Grew up here.

Ohhh I’ve never met one like you 

– they say.

What haven’t they met? A hybrid, an object of fascination: a two-tongued beast and a smiling girl?

Je me suis reprise.

Je me suis perdue.

Tu m’as foutue dans le futur

et je t’ai es laissé dans mon passé.

I do not look like I should or sound like I should but I am here anyway.

Même si tu me dis

Que je ne devrais pas exister

J’existe quand-même

J’existe quand-même.

And the sun burns my cheeks

And the salt-air twists my hair

And I defy the world

Avec mon existence.

Yes, I defy the world –

Je défie le monde:

le monde entier.

I left, I left with one tongue

and came back with none

because two tongues occupy a body

that neither understand

and I am split apart

every time I open my mouth

each time it is a choice

a choice between two selves

and yet

no matter what 

I never 



I have not found my tongue yet, I do not know what it means to be 

u (c) n (o) d (m) e (p) r (r) s (i) t (s) o (e) o d

in this parenthesized body, this splintered soul.

When we left

my mom told me 

to leave

my books behind

but I wasn’t asking her

to leave behind a child; 

I did not realise 

it was not up to her. 

One got left behind anyway.

And I am trying to find her again –

find her again and give her a home

parce que je me suis perdue

et même si je suis là de nouveau

je ne la trouve pas.

Je ne la trouve pas

dans les rues

ou sur les plagues


she ran avec her brothers

and chased seagulls avec Brooklyn.

Deux langues, two tongues. Mais on n’a pas deux langues on a deux langues, finalement. 

Two langues, deux languages. Stuffed into one langue, une tongue. 

And I sit here

dans le silence

de ce corps

en morceaux.

And I sit here

dans le silence

de deux langues

qui ne s’entendent pas.

And I sit here

in this deafening 



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