Queer Expression in Fashion: Glitterball 2023

By Audrey Herrin

The Glitterball planning committee did not release specific guidelines for dress code. Instead, guests were encouraged to dress however they wanted to dress. This seemed to spark confusion and mild panic in the St. Andrews community. According to Event Coordinator Chloe Moore, several guests reached out to the committee asking for clarification on the dress code. Was it supposed to be a formal event? Casual? Costumed? Slutty?

In response, Moore re-iterated: “this is an event where you’re supposed to feel like your most authentic self, dress however you want to dress.”

Guests were not one-hundred percent flying blind. The theme announced for Glitterball this year was “holographic,” inspired by Lady Gaga's Chromatica album. Gaga adopted a cyberpunk aesthetic for this album, donning holographic materials and a magenta and blue color scheme. Glitterball guests had the option of interpreting this theme however they wanted for outfit inspiration. Moore chose to stick to the theme, and wore a holographic dress that changed colors from pink to blue. 

“Like a walking bi flag,” she said. As a bonus, it was also covered in glitter. 

Among my own friend group, little forethought went into our Glitterball outfits. None of us were willing to spend money on a new outfit for a single event, so we threw together fits from what we had in the back of our closets. I seized the opportunity to dress entirely in black leather and don Euphoria-inspired glittery makeup. In a stroke of ingenuity, one of my friends ripped a hole in the crotch of a pair of leggings and converted them into a sheer top. We were excited by the sense of freedom, knowing we wouldn’t be judged for whatever we chose to wear to the event. 


The week leading up to Glittterball was Trans-Fest, another LGBTQ+ Society-lead event. One of the events of Trans-Fest was a clothing drive where people could find free clothing items with a range of gender-expressions. According to Moore, the society hoped for people to take advantage of this LGBTQ+ - friendly clothing drive and find something to wear for Glitterball.

The rainbow lighting and carpet in the Glitterball tent matched the glamorous diversity of outfits, ranging from stunningly extravagant, to reserved and comfortable. All were displayed in front of a holographic photo backdrop, designed to show off everyone’s outfits in the best light and allow everyone a glamorous, fashion-show moment. 

Leather harnesses, capes, and tiaras all made an appearance; as well as lace, fishnets, pearl necklaces, and body glitter. The whole range of accessories people love but might feel judged for wearing in any other environment. Some guests rocked Hawaiian shirts while dancing and singing along to Lady Gaga. Others donned lingerie. And who could forget the couple dressed in complimentary Regency costumes, like something right out of Bridgerton? Everyone seemed to be wearing exactly what they wanted to wear. 

The inclusive, queer atmosphere at Glitterball encouraged individual expression and allowed everyone to feel comfortable dressing in outfits that expressed their authentic selves. 

“Everyone looked amazing, and everyone looked happy,” said Moore. “That was the main goal, to make everyone happy, and it worked.”